The Seinfeld of My Life: a blog about nothing, and everything

Category Archive

The following is a list of all entries from the Uncategorized category.


Yes, out of the lists and lists of important issues and current events I could discuss in my blog, I’ve decided to talk about the miracle that is the Panda bear. As a panda lover I frequently watch Youtube videos of my fury friends, and after much “research” I’ve decided that maybe these  zoos in China, where a good number of pandas are, should incorporate a panda rehab center.

Exhibit a)

Exhibit b)

Panda a) looks drunker than Aunt Wanda at Christmas dinner

Panda b) clearly has a serious case of the munchies

In conclusion, pandas are seriously dope…or doped up. 🙂

* If you know a Panda who has a problem with addiction please get them help. Don’t let a problem go unnoticed.


Good afternoon my non-existent readers. After years of scribbling down funny jokes and experiences in my life on napkins, palms of hands, inner arms, someone’s forehead, to remember at a later date, I’ve finally decided to start a blog. Now I can share the joy of my awkward experiences with the world. No more thick wallets stuffed with napkins instead of money, no more uncomfortable job interviews with ink all over my hands and arms. Technology has finally come to the rescue. If you’re in need of a good laugh, want to feel better about your life, or merely feel like listening to someone with no earned merit for being followed (yet), then stay tuned and enjoy. 🙂